Spiritual Life
"The Pauline Family has one spirituality: to live the Gospel and its entirety: to live in the
Divine Master who is Way, Truth and Life: to live him as his disciple St. Paul understood him."
Blessed Fr. James Alberione
Through the profession of the Evangelical Counsels "with which Christ is unbreakably united
to the Church," the Institute members intend to "respond in an increasingly ardent way to the
love of God," actualizing in their life St. Paul's ideal: "For me to live is Christ."(Galatians 2:20)
So as to communicate to mankind the fullnes of the mystery of Christ, the Institute members live and
work in the whole Christ (Master, Way, Truth, and Life) as St. Paul lived. Through the Word and the
Eucharist they are nourished in Him, and in Him their prayer, study, apostolate and consecration find
unity, producing a total living synthesis in love.
Devotion to Jesus Master leads to perfect worship of God and the more the Pauline lives it the more
he resembles Jesus Christ.
To actualize this reality in their life, the members will first of all take care of the prayer life, which is
"a simple, easy and necessary means suited to all." They will draw from the source of Christian
Spirituality: the Word of God, "the supreme rule of the Church's faith" and the Liturgy which
"strengthens their powers to preach Christ."
For this reason everday they will:
Take part in the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass
Devote part of their time to Eucharistic Adoration
Pray the Liturgy of the Hours: Morning and Evening Prayer
Give time to meditation
Entrust themselves to Mary, by reciting the Rosary
Make an examination of conscience, "the soul's watch"
The members also will frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Every month the member will take part with eagerness a Recollection Day. The member will also
send to the Provincial Delegate a report on how their life in the institute is progressing.
Every year the member will take part in the Spiritual Exercises(a retreat) organized by the
Institute to obtain "the fruits of holiness and of total orientation of their life in Christ."
In the Pauline Family Adoration with Jesus is known as "The Visit."
Fr. Alberione would refer to "The Visit" as:
It is the creature meeting his Creator; the disciple before the Divine Master; the patient with the
Doctor of souls; the poor one appealing to the Rich One; the thirsty one drinking at the Font; the
weak one presenting himself to the Almighty; the tempted one seeking a sure Refuge; the blind
one searching for the Light; the friend who goes to the True Friend; the lost sheep sought by the
Divine Shepherd; the heart led astray who finds the Way; the foolish one who finds Wisdom;
the bride who finds the Spouse of the soul; the nothing who finds the All; the afflicted who finds
the Consoler; the youth who finds life's meaning.